What is RLA trying to accomplish?

The philosophy of Rising Leaders Academy is to embrace all students, regardless of their background and ability level.  We provide a strong academic setting that is supportive, innovative, creative, and effective.

Our name: Rising Leaders Academy speaks of our commitment to working closely with each student and investing fully to help them achieve their potential in whatever path life takes them. We promote a No Suspension Philosophy.

With proven teaching methods, dedicated staff, engaged parents and effective curricula, RLA strives to be a leader in technological studies that will challenge and motivate all students in the areas of science, technology, reading, engineering, arts and math (STREAM).

In addition to challenging and motivating our students, RLA places a similar priority for our teachers and staff. We encourage our teachers to participate in professional staff development throughout the school year, offsite, onsite, and online. This plays an active role in determining the way our teachers teach and reach our students.

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